Surgo Ventures

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New Analysis: Surgo Projects U.S. COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Will Plateau in Late April

Projections Show Vaccine Uptake Will Move Much Slower after April 2021

WASHINGTON, April 8, 2021— Today Surgo Ventures released the results of its second survey of U.S. adults, which found that enthusiasm for the COVID-19 vaccine is generally high, with 59% of the population now saying they have already been vaccinated or want to be as soon as a vaccine is made available to them. However, an additional analysis Surgo conducted based on survey respondents’ preferred timelines for getting vaccinated and current U.S. vaccination rates suggests that the supply-demand shift for the vaccine will happen earlier than expected—as early as the end of April—and before the nation reaches the 70-90% threshold for achieving herd immunity.